Saturday, January 30, 2010

Do You Live in Texas…or Just Exist There?

I could have asked the same question substituting the name of any of the other 49 states or even the United States as a whole.  The issue of truly “living” or just “existing” would have pertained equally well in any case.  Most people are totally oblivious to the extent to which their individual freedom has been eroded in the USA and thus they are truly existing rather than fully living, which, of course, is the nature of the “freedom follies” in which we are all collectively participating.

However, I chose Texas, because as an expatriate Texan now living in Hawaii, I have become interested in the Texas Governor’s race for the first time in my life.  I suspect that the main reason for my interest is its “David and Goliath” nature with a citizen candidate, namely Debra Medina, presuming to challenge the consummate pols, viz. Governor Rick Perry and United States Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison.  And, perhaps, it is because what she is saying is resonating with people all across the state and because she won both of the post-debate text polls by rather overwhelming margins.  But, the primary reason is that she is one of the “Liberty Candidates 2010.”  And, given her positive showing in the debates, she has a very real chance of taking the governorship for the people instead of the elite.

For more information about the Medina campaign go here, and particularly view the second video where she talks about her experience.  Her post-debate comments, following the first debate, are also particularly interesting as shown in the following.


  1. In conjunction with this post, here is an interesting video interview of Debra Medina by Judge Andrew Napolitano on "Freedom Watch," conducted in November 2009, who welcomes viewers to their "daily dose of raw liberty."

  2. Here is a plea for "nationalizing" Debra Medina's campaign for Texas Governor.

    "Why Debra Medina's Candidacy For Texas Governor Should Be Nationalized."

    The author writes:

    "...a Debra Medina victory is a tremendous opportunity to return to the original constitutionally limited government given us by the founders....Texas is the flagship state of the Republican Party. The Texas GOP is the biggest in the Nation. It's also, heavily controlled by the Bush/McCain wing. The two establishment candidates for governor represent two of the worst examples of compromised career politicians. Both Perry & Hutchson's record are typical of out of touch elitist. Perry like Obama, repeatedly tried to cram the Trans Texas Corridor & tolling existing roads down the throats of Texans who clearly in poll after poll were against it by huge margins. The same Obama like behavior was exhibited by Senator Hutchinson in voting for TARP even though her phone lines were melted down with overwhelming opposition to TARP. Only a fool would expect either Perry or Hutchinson to be any different then they have been their entire political careers."
