I have spoken of the illusion of freedom in previous posts. The average U.S. citizen naively "believes" that we live in the world's quintessential citadel of freedom. Note the emphasis on "believes," for our beliefs are all powerful. They operate behind the scenes, much like computer programs that run behind the screens which we are viewing on our computers. These mental programs are, indeed, automated. They automatically determine what we think and what we perceive. They act like filters or templates that determine and structure our conscious experience and thus dictate how we will tend to behave.
The belief that we are free in the USA is increasingly becoming an irrational belief as more and more of our personal liberties are taken away and unconstitutionally controlled by the federal government. Nowhere is this more evident than in the recent passage of the Health Reform bill in the House of Representatives by the slimmest of margins. Judge Andrew Napolitano, a constitutional expert, who has written a number of books on the erosion of our constitutionally guaranteed freedoms, including, A Nation of Sheep; The Constitution in Exile; and Constitutional Chaos, has sounded a clarion call to constitutional arms for those who have not been totally lulled to sleep by their beliefs in the indestructibility of freedom in the United States of America (with an emphasis on "States").
In the following video, Judge Napolitano, discusses The Constitution in Exile, and he highlights the development of the U.S. Constitution as an attempt to limit the role of the federal government and to preserve the independence of the individual states. This independence has been eviscerated, time and time again, as the Judge points out, by Congress, the federal courts, and the Executive branches of the federal government.
In the next video, Judge Napolitano speaks out regarding the most recent end run around the Constitution and tells us what we need to do now to prevent the demise of the Republic.
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