Debra Medina: Still Voter Ignorance Despite Glenn Beck’s “Gallant” Effort
I suggest that there are a number of reasons for this phenomenon. SOME of the potential answers are already well known, following the marginalizing of 2008 Presidential candidate, Ron Paul, by the media and by Republican, political operatives. We saw this in the Republican debates where the other candidates were asked substantive questions, and when it came time to question on Dr. Paul, the questions were most often focused on some sort of fringe issue that attempted to create guilt by association, i.e., the 9/11 Truth issue. Even when others were answering questions about the economy and healthcare, were such questions addressed then to Dr. Paul, who is not only an expert on fiscal and monetary policy, but the only experienced health care provider in the field of candidates ? Nope!
We also saw a dearth of media coverage of Ron Paul’s campaign until it could no longer be ignored until, of course, his avid supporters broke the all-time one day record for the most money raised in a 24 hour period, viz., in excess of $6 Million. Even then, the marginalization continued, even when they did interview him, it was always focused on his supporters or some tangential issue and not on the substantive issues on which his campaign was based such as “sound monetary policy.” It is interesting to note that now that his predictions have come true with regard to the current economic debacle, he is a high demand on news shows. On the Fox network, alone, by his count, he has been interviewed about 60 times in recent months and now has won the straw poll at the CPAC meeting of conservatives.
Debra Medina, interestingly, is also a health care provider (a registered nurse), who was mentored by Ron Paul, having lived and worked in the Republican Party in his congressional district, and having served as his Texas political coordinator in the national campaign. It is no surprise, then, that her data-oriented, principle-oriented campaign is coming under personal attack, just like that directed at Dr. Paul, when she is making it too hot in the kitchen for those who wish to maintain the neo-conservative (neo-cons) and now the “tea-o-conservative” (tea-o-cons) hold on the Republican Party. In addition, there are, accordingly, further attempts to keep remotely connected Texas voters ignorant of her candidacy and proposals for reviving honest government in Texas.
The major radio and television outlets and the local newspapers, especially the smaller ones, who pick up their news from the conglomerates, give the local audiences predigested, political Pablum which people can easily swallow whole without ever critically masticating it and just as easily digest, never knowing that there was any other life sustaining food for thought available. They don’t even ask for a little bit of applesauce blended in with the Pablum, although they are often given this, too, just to keep them listening for purported new developments.
One such predigested report appeared online.
I took the writer and his docile followers to task with an extended comment:
As a former university professor for many years, I have personal experience of the lack of objectivity and belief-dominated thinking of many intellectuals in academia. The reporters who listen to the professors [that you referenced] also fail to look at the objective evidence and accept the implied omniscience (know it all mental capacity) of these ivory tower intellectuals. To wit: White polled worse against Hutchison and best against Medina.
There has been a huge turnout in the Republican primary. Do you suppose that some of the voters are Democrats? I, personally, have read about Liberals encouraging people to vote in the Republican primary, since White is a shoo-in. Who do you suppose the Dems are probably voting for in the primary? Certainly not Hutchison!!
Also, as evidenced in the following statement, they [typical reporters] have ignored the fact that the “Indy Texans” have endorsed Medina almost 2-1 over Hutchison. There are 5 million independents in Texas, I am told.
"Other professors agreed and said with White being the most viable Democratic candidate since Ann Richards, any Republican will have a tough race. But, Hutchison likely less so because she can win over a more significant portion of independents who otherwise may be intrigued with the former mayor of Houston and his business-friendly attitudes.”
That being said, why only the passing reference to the Medina campaign in the article? The "professors" said that some of her votes will likely go to Perry and Hutchison. What about the backlash? I am speaking of those who were undecided and will now vote for Medina because of the unwarranted attack with the "Truther" nonsense. If you really search for the truth, what you will find is that Medina is NOT a 9/11 Truther, but a "24/7 Truther" who is perpetually searching for the truth in the labyrinth of falsehoods that cover the corruption in the Perry administration. One example is the recent revelation confirmed by the Medina campaign after searching long and hard for the facts. Debra Medina announced this in a talk to supporters in Rockwall just two days ago. I commend this to the author of this article and to your readers.
Rick Perry Already Campaigning for 2012?
One could reasonably ask: Could the attacks and the marginalization be coming because it is a “must win” situation for incumbent Governor Rick Perry, who is rumored to have his eye on the Republican nomination for the Presidency in 2012? Has anyone heard him say that he will definitely serve out his full term as governor? I haven’t.
In fact, today, I just came across a website out of New Zealand which is promoting items for a Perry Presidential run.
There is a lot of campaign paraphernalia on this page and it piqued my curiosity. Let me ask you the questions that I asked myself: If you were a business person, would you be willing to make such a substantial investment in stocking such items if you had not been paid up front? Would you be willing to undertake this risk, with all of the uncertainties of the political landscape, or if you did not have hard, inside information that Perry was planning a run? Or, unless you were the person pulling the strings on the Perry puppet?
When I searched further, I found that is a business with global outlets, only one of which is in Zealand. There are subsidiary websites in the U.S., Canada, Australia, Germany, France, Spain, Portugal, with Austria and Switzerland listed as coming soon.
I searched and found that was registered as a private, not public, domain with the owner given as only the domain company which handled the domain registration: Network Solutions. So, it would appear that this is a big enterprise that was registered in March 2009. Given that it has not been in existence for quite one year, I think we are talking about investment of a lot of money in this enterprise.
Another link appearing on the zazzle site goes to This, too, is registered privately with the same domain company, so in both cases, we cannot determine who really owns these companies.
Given that Rick Perry attended the Bilderberg Group meeting in Turkey in 2007, it seems likely that SOMEBODY wanted him as a candidate for President in the near future, perhaps after setting up the current situation with the Obama debacle. Perry probably could never be elected president on his own merits, but with the groundswell of anger toward Obama, there will be little incentive for the average disenchanted voter to pay the least bit of attention to the skeletons in Perry’s oversized closet. And, I am not talking about an ordinary walk in closet the size of a small bedroom. It would have to be more like Superdome size to fit everything in, considering only what has thus far been uncovered and then recovered by Perry’s fancy mouthwork.
I think I recall reading that he only has a 50% approval rating as a result of his political shenanigans. This is probably not enough, given the typically sizeable margin of error of 3-5% in political polls, to avoid a runoff election, which will occur between the top two vote recipients in Texas if no candidate receives a majority of the votes (i.e., 50% +1)
So, was the Glenn Beck incident orchestrated to insure a Perry victory by stealing votes from Medina? The fact that robocalls attacking Medina for her comments on the 9/11 Truth issue were going out to voters all over Texas, reportedly with minutes and certainly within an hour. I recall one individual who reported that he got a call only 7 minutes after the Medina “interview” ended. Even it took an hour to get the calls launched, it seems that this would have taken an implausibly herculean effort to pull this off without some pre-planning.
I suggest that it is time to hold Perry’s feet to the Presidential fire. Why did he go to the Bilderberg meeting in Istanbul in 2007, and according to some, violate the Logan Act? There has been speculation for many years that the Bilderbergers “select” the American president. Go here for the list of attendees for the most recent meeting. Bill Clinton went to the meeting in 1991, “just by chance invitation” he says, because he was in Europe at the time. He assumed the presidency in 1993. There is strong prima facie evidence that Obama attended the Chantilly, VA meeting in 2008, when he was supposedly meeting with Hillary Clinton after he “kidnapped” reporters on his campaign plane and flew them to Chicago.
So, are the people of Texas embroiled in the clandestine political aspirations of their governor or those who control him? Are their efforts to remove him democratically from office running up against a global Leviathan which will brook no resistance? That is the question which we must continue to ask, particularly in view of the extensive promotional campaign already in progress via
For more information on the Debra Medina’s campaign go here and to join her as a fan on FaceBook click here.
Just fascinating. I suspect that you have just opened the Bilderburg playbook right to the chapter on candidate extreme pre- positioning. Really interesting to see if the specific plays are repeated elsewhere. Thanks so much for your hard work. :-)
ReplyDeleteI'm more than a little late in acknowledging your comment, Charles. I have had a lot of irons in the fire lately. But, I do appreciate your feedback very much.
ReplyDeleteMahalo (thank you in Hawaiian).