Monday, March 1, 2010

Republican Party in Wonderland: Debra Medina Saving the Soul of the GOP in Texas Governor’s Race


Cartoon from Tales from Wonderland

The GOP has become the party of Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum.  Pick whichever you prefer, because it really doesn't matter which you choose.  BOTH the GOP and Democratic Parties have become two heads of the same Big Government monstrosity which threatens the liberty of all Americans and the survival of the Republic.  We are merely stopping for rest on the yellow-brick, toll road which leads to the Emerald City of Oz, which is nothing but an insidious facade for fascism. We are told: “Pay no attention to the man/men behind the curtain.”

The formula for our progression toward certain disaster, which we have implicitly accepted without critical questioning, is: Big Government + Big Business = Fascism.  But, as we are unwittingly traveling this road to our Republic's demise, treading unknowingly on our Constitution and our precious heritage of freedom, there are a few side roads that beckon us to turn in new directions, dusty little roads, which will lead us back to a limited government of the people, for the people, and by the people, but which many of us ignore.   One such path has come before us in recent weeks and we must have the courage to pause in our headlong pursuit of Oz and to venture down it to see where it may lead.

There is an election going on in Texas now that will come to a climax on Texas Independence Day, March 2.  It is a struggle for the heart of the Republican Party and its survival as it is being devoured by the globalist leviathan of which the U.S. has become merely a limb that does the bidding of the globalist brain.  Debra Medina, citizen candidate, par exellence, is the female counterpart to David who is challenging, not one, but two political Goliaths, viz., incumbent governor Rick Perry, a globalist minion, if there ever was one, with presidential aspirations and long-time U.S. Senator Kay Bailey (Bailout) Hutchison who is a wet blanket of globalist domination that clings and suffocates the breath of Freedom.

In my opinion, this is the most momentous and important election of modern history, perhaps even in the history of the Republic.  Texas is the world's 12th largest economy.  In the U.S., Texas has been second only to California, which has the 8th largest economy in the world, but California is now officially broke!  So, the old saying, "As goes Texas, so goes the Republic," is even more relevant in the current economic circumstances.  Texans are up in arms and fighting mad about the intrusion of the Federal government into Texas' economic affairs and the liberty of its citizens.

So, I commend Debra Medina to your attention.  I submit that it is critical that ALL Americans learn about her and the Republic for which she stands, be that the Republic of Texas or the Republic of the United States of America, as it was originally conceived and given birth by our Founders.  Listen to her words.  They are all over YouTube.  Here is a good place to start, and here is another video of Medina speaking at a rally.

Go to 2:00 on the counter of the last video to hear Debra speak.

Visit Debra Medina's website which has increased in traffic by 710% over the past 3 months and is now at a traffic ranking on of 12,609 in the U.S. out of tens of millions of websites.  For comparison, the website representing upset winner, Senator Scott Brown of Massachusetts, has a traffic ranking of 453,408 and the website guide to New York City has a traffic rating of 88,203 in the U.S.

Never has there been a time so critical for the preservation of freedom.  I urge you to become familiar with Debra Medina now and do what you can to encourage people whom you know in Texas to vote for her on March 2 or or you can help by donating to her campaign.

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